Marketing Ethics

in the context of Islamic nuances of marketing ethics, can be searched consideration in Al-Qur'an. The Qur'an gives two terms in the business process requirements  horizontal (humanity) and the requirements of vertical (spiritual). Surat Al-Baqarah  mentions "the Book (the Qur'an) is no doubt in it. Be guide for those who fear Allah. " This verse can serve as guidelines in marketing ethics:
1. God gives assurance of the authenticity of the Qur'an, as a product reability guarantee. 2. God explains the benefits of the Qur'an as a product of his work, which became hudan (Instructions). 3. Allah describes the object, target, customer, as well as target the use of scripture is, namely those who fear Allah. The above is highly relevant cues followed in conducting a marketing campaign, because marketing is a very important part and become an engine of a company. Taking clues from the sentence "guarantee" which described God in the Qur'an, then within the framework of the sale and even then we should be able to provide guarantees for the products we have. Warranty covers two aspects:  
Material aspects, namely the quality of materials, quality treatment, and quality of presentation.Non-material aspects, including; the Halalan, the Thaharahan (Hygiene), and the Islamic in the presentation. That a guarantee of good food is only part of the necessary guarantees given, in addition to Islamic as processing and presentation, as well as th Halalan, the Thaharahan. So the totality of the whole work and all areas work is handled within and outside the company is the integrity of the "guarantee". Second described the benefits of what God is being marketed. If this used as a basis for marketing efforts, then you need to do is give explanation of the benefits of the product (ingridients) or the benefits of the production process executed. The method can be used for God's guidance: "Let it be me (based on knowledge) if you are telling the truth. " (QS: Al-An'am; 143). The verse teaches us that to convince a person of goodness that we describe should be based on science, data and facts. So in explaining the benefits of the product, it appears that the role of data and very important facts, even facts and data are often far more influential than explanations. As people who are in a diet program often consider the composition of nutritional information contained in the food packaging will be bought. Third is a description of the target or customer of the product we have. In this case we can explain that the food is halal and good (halalan thoyyiban), which will be flesh and blood human beings, will make us to be obedient to God, for human consumption that can lead to piety should satisfy three elements: The material kosher The processing of the net (Hygiene) Presentation of the Islamic
 In the process of promotion is an important part of marketing, promotion is an effort offer merchandise to prospective purchasers. How a person should promote his wares? Aside from being a prophet Rasulullah provide technical sales promotion which sharpshooter to a merchant. In one occasion he found that someone was offering his wares. He saw nothing awkward in person. He then gives advice to him: "The Messenger passes in front of someone who is offering clothes wares. People The tall being offered a short dress. Then Rasululllah said; "Sit down! Surely, you offer to sit it easier bring good fortune. "(Hadith). As such promotion must be done in the proper way, so interesting interest of prospective buyers. Factors place and way of presenting and techniques to offer products made in interesting ways. Factors include the interior design matching a matching, the location of goods is easily seen, orderly, neat, and so forth. Noting the above hadith the Messenger of the attitude of a seller who is also a factor must be considered for sales success. In addition to the place, interior design, location goods and others. We can conclude that the Islamic position is basically a businessman profession is commendable and get a high position as long as he followed the corridor Shari'ah. Muamalah in any form is allowed as long as it does not violate the theorem syar'i. Islam forbids a Muslim to do things that harm and lead to damage to others as mentioned in haditsnya. Rasululllah said: "La dlaraara wala dliraara" (Narrated by Ibn Abbas).