Tuesday, April 19, 2011


According Language: Residents Iraq used the term to refer to the care of commercial mudaraba resurfacing. Mudharabah taken from the word الضرب فى الأرض. That is, a trip which is generally to trade and seek sustenance. There is also a saying taken from the word dharb (took) advantage to the shares held. In the language of Hijaz, Qiradh (قراض) specifically said the issue rather than qardh (قرض) who intend to cut. This contract is called so kerana investors 'cut' sebahagian his property to be given to entrepreneurs who will menguruskannya .. Urusniaga is also recognized as muqaradhah (مقارضه) kerana equally intent on both sides berkongsi profit. According syarak: Akad between investors and entrepreneurs in which investors would hand over his property sebahahagian to someone as an entrepreneur to diniagakan. Benefits also will dikongsi along with revenue that is understandable. In Islamic jurisprudence mudaraba is one form of cooperation between the rab al-mal (investor) with a second party (mudharib) that serves as the manager of the trade. The term mudaraba by fiqh scholars mentioned by Qiradh Hijaz. Mudharabah derived from the word dharb, mean hit or walk. Definition of hit or run it more precisely is the process of someone hitting his leg in running the business. In terminology, the Fiqh scholars define Mudharabah or Qiradh with: "Owners of capital (investors) submit their capital to the workers (traders) to be traded, while trading profits that belong together and divided by agreement." Mudharib donated labor and time and manage their joint venture in accordance with the terms of the contract. One of the defining features of this contract is that the profits, if any, will be divided between the investors and mudharib based on pre-agreed proportion. Losses, if any, will be borne solely by the investor

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